理事長 C.W.ニコル
THE VISIT June 6th, 2016
It is four p.m. and I’m sitting at my desk in our Afan Woodland Trust centre. It seems very quiet, although in the woods the bush warblers are still trilling, frogs croaking, and cicada occasionally breaking into their loud chorus. The helicopter circling overhead has gone, together with all the police, security personnel, Household Agency officials, people from the press and everybody else who are involved in the organizing, timing and protection of an Imperial Visit.
Yes, The Emperor and Empress visited out centre and our woods today. We could not be prouder. The weather was glorious, warm and sunny, but cool and pleasant in the deep and vibrant green of the woods. Woodland wildlife seemed to be welcoming our guests with their songs. Lots of flowers were blooming.
I was elected to escort their Imperial Majesties, but trailing behind and in easy earshot came our forester Mr. Atsushi Ishii, just in case I couldn’t answer a question. The Emperor especially asks lots of questions about flowers, trees and the general biology of the woods, ponds and streams. We talked about the woodchip paths and about our program to welcome children from Fukushima. I also talked about the need to trim out trees, and to do so with as little damage to the forest floor as possible. At the end of the walk our new working member Yuki Maru, guided by Ken Hachimaru and Ryuta Shimosaka were hauling out a log. Great timing!
It wasn’t planned, but the Emperor wanted to get close to Yuki Maru, and he and the Empress headed off the path and into the woods so that the Emperor could stroke Yuki Maru’s warm silky skin and long white mane.
When we got back to the centre for a few quiet moments sipping tea, the talk turned to the Emperor’s own experience with horses, and then to Wales, where I was born. The Empress already knew that ‘Afan’ was borrowed from our ‘twin forest’ in Wales (Afan Argoed) and with a gentle smile she said that perhaps Welsh Celtic elves had followed me to Japan and now made their home in our Kurohime Afan woods. Today was a magical day for our staff, and myself so perhaps that’s true. So the next time you visit, watch out for elves, they are difficult to see, and can play tricks!